Tag Archives: Family

April, Autism, Awareness


Here comes the April exclusively for the Autistics. This post is dedicated to my friend’s autistic brother and I know, though it’s bit difficult to put up with them but you love these innocent harmless and intelligent beings.

                                                       Accept them, Love them, Understand them.

Live for a better world

Arazu, a single Afghan mother of four smuggled herself with 2 sons from Afghanistan to Germany after bribing exorbitantly at the borders.  This was in 2011.  She still awaits the reunion with her daughters.

Hyeonseo Lee, a North Korean national escaped the country for the better world only to reunite with her family after 14 years.

Kunsang, a Tibetan woman who left her home country with her daughter in order to survive from ruthless invading Chinese army.  Though she is over 90 she has never been able to return to her country. Living an exiled life.

And it’s just not them. There are thousands of people every day who put their lives at risk to find out ways to escape from extremist countries. I am left flabbergasted with the immense courage and determination (of course loads of money!!) displayed by these people to leave that toxic political and social environment in desperation.

Living in a democratic country I still crib about the corruption and bureaucracy prevails in India however when I read such stories I feel so fortunate to be a part of it.  It is sad that some of us are very unfortunate not because we are born in poor families or with some disorders but to take birth in a country like Afghanistan or North Korea!!  There, the life of an individual is not his or her but it is heavily dependent on the political scenario of the country.  In North Korea not even that option as there is only one man rule. I have been wanting to write on Kim Jong-un since long but have never been able to understand how one family has been able to hold its control on its people for that long even after incidents of insurgencies all around the world. Pick up a history of any subdued nation there is always one section of society raising its voice against autocratic rule and starting some sort of Guerrilla Warfare against the ruler but it is disappointing how we haven’t read any such revolt in North Korea.

It is quite despairing, you take birth in this world only to find yourself on the behest of country leaders.  Suddenly your life is not yours. You are scrutinized, monitored and live in constant surveillance. And making matter worse if you are born with shit luck you would either end up losing your life in a suicide bomb attack or a vegetable life in a concentration camp.!!!

A Bundle of Joy

I have this thing, I like taking pictures of kids – familiar or unfamiliar. It gives me joy. So let me present you some faces that will relax you from your tiring Monday and bring a soft smile on your face.

That’s my super cute niece – Vanya.  She is a fashionista at the age of 2.5 years.


This baby is my colleague’s son. He is less than an year old and is called Noah.


This beautiful lady is again a niece – Saanvi. Super cute, super naughty and a tomboy.  Talks like a boy.


As you can figure it out, these Ladakhi kids are twins. You can’t resist taking a photograph of them. Boy is called Jigayel bit grumpy right now in this picture 🙂 and the girl is called Mila,  all chirpy and happy.  They are my colleague’s kids.


Another kid from the family.  He is my nephew and I am afraid to say I forgot his name. Shame. Actually it’s a bit tongue twister and I have seen him just twice but Jesus how can I forget his name.


This is recent from last Friday, a colleague got her 7 months old son – Samyukth to the office. He was such a joy to have. Playful kid.


And this is from today. I commute by local trains and today I met this not so privileged kid looked quite sick and bitten by mosquitoes. He is just 15 days old and was made to travel in harsh conditions. He doesn’t even have a name yet. I was filled with pathos. But what a face :-).


Forgotten Gratitudes…

Life is running out too fast. We sometime take our people for granted and forget to convey them their importance in our lives. May be to an extent that their absence might affect our presence. Some oblivious pointers of life that are needed to be recalled:

  • Show your Mom how much you love and care for her. That her food is the best meal you had in a day. That you are proud of her for all the pain she takes to keep the family integrated.
  • Tell your Dad that you are thankful to him to provide you all the things you demanded in life. That you look up to him for all the hardwork he has done so that you would never face financial crunch.
  • Say your brother or sister that no matter what you will always stand by them. That you fight with them because you adore them. That they are your saviour at times.
  • Sit by your dog, cuddle him and run your fingers through his coat. Thank him for being a mute listener for all your jibber-jabber. And that he is the best dog you ever had. 
  • Meet friends. Not like body meeting body but soul meeting soul. Salute them for being asses in your life. Thank them for all the laughter they have provided when you needed it most. Be grateful to them for taking you out from abyss like infinite times.
  • Finally thank God for being so kind on you, to grant you a life which is beautiful. And you wouldn’t have wished for anything better.

Enrich your life with these Oscar winners. As you don’t want to live with a qualm of not being grateful to people who are the reason for your existence.

Marriage: A moment of happiness

It’s been quite a while since I last wrote, my first cousin’s wedding kept me busy past weeks. This wedding has brought me to the terms that family is imperative in social well-being of an individual. Being bohemian and free spirited has always inspired and defined me but this time I felt something different, I felt good in being bounded.  Anyways, it’s about the wedding.  The big ‘W’ has always jittered me for obvious reasons.  Brave cousin of mine!!. But this is amazing, a woman leaves her home, her family, her things, even city and job (in my cousin’s case) for one man.  And this is not done out of force or moral duty but love for one man.  I dedicate this lovely and touching poem by Rumi (a sufi saint/poet) to my newly wedded cousin and brother-in-law and wish them a wonderful life ahead.

A moment of happiness,

you and I
sitting on the verandah,
apparently two,
but one in soul,
you and I.

We feel the flowing water of life here,
you and I,
with the garden’s beauty
and the birds singing.

The stars will be watching us,
and we will show them
what it is to be a thin crescent moon.

You and I unselfed,
will be together,
indifferent to idle speculation,
you and I.

The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar
as we laugh together,
you and I.

In one form upon this earth,
and in another form
in a timeless sweet land.